How Starting a Blog Can Bring New Clients for a Beauty Business Blogging is a great way to connect with potential clients and build your beauty business. When done right, a blog can help you establish yourself as an expert in your field, generate leads, and drive traffic to your website. I spend a lot […]

Beauty business, esthetician, Female Entrepreneur, website design, Women in business

May 26, 2023

How a blog can help your beauty business

how blogging can help your beauty business

Inspired by Martha Stewart – The Swimsuit Model I love to read stories about inspiring female entrepreneurs. Who can’t resist a good successful business woman story?! Especially when age is a factor. A story about an entrepreneur that is a teenager or that started later in life still gets me every time.  Shoot, I’m still […]

Beauty business, esthetician, Female Entrepreneur, website design, Women in business

May 21, 2023

3 Tips to becoming a Successful Entrepreneur

3 Tips for Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur with 3 women walking together